Moose objects and roles

Mr Moose’s Newfangled Object Framework

Creating objects from scratch by hand-rolling them is somewhat fragile, and you end up drowning in the writing of endless boilerplate accessor methods. I would strongly suggest that rather than doing objects the hard way, you use the Moose object framework unless there’s some particular constraint (speed, memory footprint) on your code that would make it inappropriate.

Moose is simply a module, so to do stuff with it, you’ll need to load it.

use 5.12.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose;

The first three lines are optional, but if you’re using Perl’s modern object framework, you might as well take advantage of its other more recent features.

From a coding standpoint, a Moose object is still a blessed hashref instantiated with new, but the module imports some syntactic-sugar functions that allow you to create objects by declaration, rather than having to hand-code most of their methods.

Creation of the Cat class from the previous post is so simple we can afford to give it an extra attribute and an extra method for the same quantity of RSI:

package Cat;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.12.0;
use Moose;

has( 'stomach_contents',
      is      => 'rw', 
      isa     => 'Str', 
      default => 'nothing',

has( 'balance',
      is      => 'ro', 
      isa     => 'Str', 
      default => 'perfect',

sub feed {
    my ( $self, $food ) = @_;
    $self->stomach_contents( $food ) if defined $food;
    return $self->stomach_contents();

sub vomit {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $vomit = $self->stomach_contents();
        # we could still use feed() instead, but this is more intuitive
        # given Moose has created the accessor method for us for free
    $self->feed( 'nothing' );
    return $vomit;

sub fetch {
    say "I don't bloody think so";


The has declaration is used to create an attribute called stomach_contents with an associated getter/setter method called  stomach_contents. The other items passed to has set restrictions on the attribute and what its getter/setter can do, and what the value of the attribute can be.

  • If you pass is => 'rw', the method will act as a read/write getter/setter accessor method. If you pass is => 'ro', the attribute can only be set at the time of instantiation, and the associated method will a read only getter accessor thereafter.
  • If you pass isa => 'Str', the attribute must be (something interpretable as) a string. Bool, Num, ArrayRef, etc. are some of the alternative restrictions on the attribute’s type.
  • The value of the attribute can be set to a default at instantiation by default => blah where blah can be a value, or a coderef like sub { time % 2 ? 'empty' : 'fish-heads' } that returns a default value.

You then create a Cat in the same way as before:

my $kitty = Cat->new(); # create new object $kitty of class Cat

and manipulate it by invoking methods on it as before:

$kitty->feed( "Mechanically recovered meat sludge" );

You can still even violate encapsulation and look at its innards:

use Data::Dumper;
Dumper( $kitty );

Inheritance (if you must)

To implement the Manx class that inherits from Cat, you use extends:

package Manx;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.12.0;
use Moose;
extends 'Cat';

has( 'tail_type',
      is      => 'rw', 
      isa     => 'Str', 
      default => 'stumpy',

# We can override the default value of the 'balance' attribute of the parent Cat class
# using a plus sign to indicate we're extending/modifying a pre-existing attribute
has( '+balance', default => 'issues' );
has( '_secret_name',
      is      => 'ro', 
      isa     => 'Str', 
      default => sub { time % 2 ? 'Odette' : 'Evelyn' },

sub miaow {
    my( $self ) = @_;
    print "Miaow\n";

# We can override the 'fetch' method too by passing a coderef to 'override',
# and we can invoke the parent's 'fetch' method by calling 'super'

override 'fetch' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    say "Hm, thinking about it...";
    $self->_secret_name eq 'Odette' ? super() : say "Oh, alright then";


Although inheritance is a very common feature in programming languages that have classes, when you create subclasses that inherit from base classes and then extend them with additional functionality, there’s a good chance you might be better off composing the class from its roles instead.

Some classes genuinely extend their base classes. 3DPoint extends 2DPoint by the addition of a z attribute.  Bird extends Vertebrate by overriding the default ‘skin’ value of the integument attribute with ‘feathers’.

If a piece of code uses a generic Vertebrate object, you should be able to replace it with a Bird and see no ill effects, because all the things a Vertebrate can do should be a subset of the things a Bird can do.

However, what happens when we try to make a Bird fly? When we come to implement Bat, we realise that a lot of the aerial assault code in Bird should also be in Bat too. It doesn’t make sense to factor fly out into Vertebrate otherwise you’d be able to make a generic Vertebrate->fly, which – in general – it shouldn’t be able to do.

The problem is that our two classes are trying both to model the hierarchy of our organisms, and also to avoid code duplication. These two aims are incompatible. We want only one copy of the fly method to avoid code duplication in Bird and Bat, but we also want Vertebrate to contain only the methods applicable to all vertebrates. Similarly, we’d want only one copy of lay and roll to avoid duplication of EggLayer code across Bird and Bee.

One way to work around this clash is to allow a class to have multiple parents. We could create classes called Aircraft and EggLayer and allow Bird to inherit from Vertebrate and Aircraft and EggLayer. This would certainly make sense if we’d already written the Aircraft class for some other previous project. Such multiple inheritance is possible in Perl, but it simply opens a new can of worms.

The most important of these problems is that Bird will inherit all the methods and attributes of all its base classes, and there may well be clashes. It is not possible to resolve these clashes automatically and correctly. Perhaps you want Bird to inherit the squawk method from Vertebrate (overriding Aircraft‘s irrelevant radio transponder version). But maybe you also want some sort of disambiguation so you can use Aircraft‘s roll method and the egg-roll-ing method that is supplied by EggLayer. Most languages (including Perl’s default method resolution order) do not give you this flexibility.

Moose allows you to compose a class from roles, and to allow fine-grained control over what happens when roles have conflicting methods.

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.12.0;

  package Vertebrate;
  use Moose;
  has( 'integument', is => 'ro', default => 'skin' );
  sub squawk { 
    my ( $self, $what ) = @_;
    say uc "$what!!!"

  package Aircraft;
  use Moose::Role;
  has( 'wings',      is => 'ro', default => 'flap', );
  sub fly {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    print "My wings " . $self->wings . "\n";
  sub roll {
    say "Are you sure you wouldn't rather I yawed or pitched?";
  sub squawk { 
    say "7700! 7700! 7700!"
  requires 'wingspan';

  package EggLayer;
  use Moose::Role;
  has( 'clutch',      is => 'rw', default => 0, );
  sub lay {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    print "Clutch-size now " . $self->clutch( 1 + $self->clutch ) . "\n";
  sub roll {
    say "Inverting my eggs";
  requires 'wingspan';

  package Bird;
  use Moose;
  extends 'Vertebrate';
  has( '+integument',             default => 'feathers' );
  has( 'wingspan',    is => 'ro', default => 0 );
    'Aircraft' => { -alias => { squawk => 'transponder_squawk'}, -excludes => 'squawk' },
    'EggLayer' => { -alias => { roll => 'roll_eggs' }, -excludes => 'roll' };

my $bird = Bird->new( wingspan => 20 );
print "Bird has ". $bird->integument . "\n";
$bird->squawk( "Tweet" );
Bird has feathers
My wings flap
7700! 7700! 7700!
Are you sure you wouldn't rather I yawed or pitched?
Clutch-size now 1
Clutch-size now 2
Inverting my eggs

Rather than inheriting EggLayer and Aircraft base classes using extends, we consume EggLayer and Aircraft roles using with.

The packages that define the EggLayer and Aircraft roles look very similar to the packages implementing the Vertebrate and Bird classes; the main difference is that they use Moose::Role rather than use Moose. Roles cannot be instantiated, so you cannot create a stand-alone Aircraft or EggLayer object, but you could certainly consume these roles into Cessna and Platypus classes.

The Aircraft role shows an additional feature. It implements fly, roll and wings itself, but it does not implement wingspan. However, it requires that wingspan be implemented somehow by any class consuming the Aircraft role. This allows you to use roles to create interfaces.

  package Aircraft;
  use Moose::Role;
  has( 'wings',      is => 'ro', default => 'flap', );
  sub fly {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    print "My wings " . $self->wings . "\n";
  sub roll {
    say "Are you sure you wouldn't rather I yawed or pitched?";
  sub squawk { 
    say "7700! 7700! 7700!"
  requires 'wingspan';

If you delete the line in Bird that defines wingspan as an attribute, you’ll get an exception:

'Aircraft|EggLayer' requires the method 'wingspan' to be implemented by 'Bird'

The Bird class has to deal explicitly with any naming conflicts arising from its consumption of roles. This is a good thing: better to deal with this clearly and make it do what you want, than to rely on some One Size Fits None automated resolution.

Either the Bird class has to define its own roll method directly, or it needs to exclude and/or alias the roll methods it has consumed. Here, we exclude consumption of EggLayer‘s roll method, but also alias it to roll_eggs so that we can still access it is we need to. We could also have excluded and aliased the Aircraft version to roll_fuselage or similar, but that would leave the class without any roll method at all. Although this is allowed, it’s probably to be discouraged, as naïve coders using your Bird class will expect it to have a roll method, and it’s best not to disappoint them.

  package Bird;
  use Moose;
  extends 'Vertebrate';
  has( '+integument',             default => 'feathers' );
  has( 'wingspan',    is => 'ro', default => 0 );
    'Aircraft', => { -alias => { squawk => 'transponder_squawk'}, -excludes => 'squawk' },
    'EggLayer'  => { -alias => { roll => 'roll_eggs' }, -excludes => 'roll' };

Similarly, we have a conflict between the squawk inherited from the Vertebrate class, and the squawk consumed from the Aircraft role. Note this is subtly different from the case above, which was a conflict between roles, rather than between a role and a class. Here, we exclude consumption of the irrelevant Aircraft version, but again alias it so we can access it as transponder_squawk if we wish. If we did not do this, the squawk consumed from the Aircraft role would silently override the squawk inherited from the Vertebrate class.

Roles provide a convenient way of packaging behaviours up into reusable chunks, without having to create a (possibly, even probably) spurious hierarchy of classes and subclasses and inheritance. If you find yourself using inheritance, think carefully about whether the subclass you propose is truly extending its parent, or whether it’s simply adding new behaviours that other classes might need too. If the answer is the latter, you probably want roles not inheritance.

Next up…command line


    • apatsche on 2013-05-07 at 09:17
    • Reply

    no need to use strict/warnings
    use Moose; # automatically turns on strict and warnings

    1. Thanks for this: I didn’t notice that bit of the perldoc!

    • jjap on 2013-05-29 at 15:07
    • Reply

    Very understandable explanation of Roles in Moose, thanks!

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