Classes and objects

Mr Wall’s Olde Fashioned Objeckts

Caveat lector. Despite some cosmetic surgery, this post, like the previous one on writing modules, may show its age. It was originally written when Perl 5 wasn’t even 10 years old, and things have moved on substantially since then (and no, I don’t mean Perl 6). However, there’s a lot of code out there using blessed hashref objects, so before I post something about using the Moose object framework (quick-ref guide), this post will explain how to use objects, and how to hand-roll “traditional” Perl 5 hashref objects.

From a usage standpoint, a Perl object is simply a variable that contains some data, and which has some associated methods, which do something with that data when you invoke them. From a coding standpoint, a Perl object is usually just a reference to a data structure (often a hash) that has been “blessed” into a class (which is just a package), in which the methods are defined as simple subroutines.

Instantiating an object and invoking methods on it

By convention, Perl objects are created (instantiated) with a ‘class method’ called new:

my $kitty = Cat->new(); # create new object $kitty of class Cat

and then manipulated by invoking “object methods” on them, such as feed:

$kitty->feed( "Mechanically recovered meat sludge" );

If you were writing this in procedural  Perl, you might create a hashref called $kitty:

$kitty= { stomach_contents => "nothing" };

and write a function called feed():

sub feed {
    my ( $cat, $food ) = @_;
    $cat->{ 'stomach_contents' } = $food;

so you could call:

feed( $kitty, "Mechanically recovered meat sludge" );

to feed the cat.

Although the procedural program above with $kitty and sub feed works perfectly well, you have to worry about the internal structure of the $kitty, what its keys and values are, what the return value of sub feed is, and know that the cat is a hashref (not an arrayref), and so on. The same would apply to anyone else trying to write new functions for the cat such as worm and spay. Furthermore, if you had a  $puppy hashref too, which inconveniently had an attribute called last_meal rather than stomach_contents, you’d need a specific feed_dog function to avoid a name-space clash with the feed function you’ve written for the cat.


In object-oriented code, the object encapsulates all the details of what is going on, so the user of the object need not care about the $kitty‘s innards, it just need to know which button buttons (methods) are available to press.

As a user of the code anyway. If you want to write the code, you’ll have to know the guts intimately. Objects are implemented in the following way:

  • A class is just a package.
  • An object is just a reference (usually a hashref).
  • A method is just a subroutine.

Here is the start of an simple Cat class:

package Cat;
use strict;
use warnings;
# We'll fill in the gaps here presently

There’s no need to worry about exporting subroutines, as the whole point of objects is that objects look after their own subroutines (methods). Hence, no @EXPORT, etc.

Classes and objects and methods

As you may have gathered, Cat is a class, not an object. An object is a particular instance of a class. The class provides the code to instantiate new objects, so the package that defines a class needs to supply a subroutine that makes and returns new objects, i.e. a constructor that instantiates new objects. You can call this method anything you like, but it’s generally best to call it new like everyone else does:

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = { };
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

This method can be called in two ways in a script:

use Cat;
my $mr_tibbles  = new Cat; # avoid
my $mrs_tibbles = Cat->new();

You should always use the latter, as the former can lead to some nasty syntactic ambiguities. The new method is just a subroutine, a factory for making objects of class Cat. When you invoke a class method, the name of the class is the first thing in the @_ of the subroutine that implements it. Similarly, when you invoke an object method, the object upon which the method is invoked is the first thing in the @_ of the subroutine that implements it. So:


will do something along the lines of calling the function new( "Cat" ) in package Cat. The new() method we wrote above therefore gets “Cat” when it it called and it shifts this into $class. So it will know what sort of an object it should make. Do not be tempted to hard-code the class, as in:

$class = "Cat"; # b0rken

because this will break should anyone want to subclass your class: if someone wants to implement a class called Tabby and borrow (‘inherit’) your new() constructor, the hard-coded new() will make objects of the wrong class (i.e. Cat, not Tabby). This is a Bad Thing.

Next, the constructor creates the data structure the object needs. This is conventionally called $self, but doesn’t have to be. This is conventionally a hashref, but doesn’t have to be.

Then comes the important bit. We know our class. We have our (empty) data structure. We need to glue these together to form an object. bless does this:

bless $self, $class;

makes the data in $self an instance of class $class.

Now the data structure has been blessed into the appropriate class, you can invoke methods upon it. Here, we invoke the object method feed to fill the cat’s stomach with nothing:


Obviously, for this to work out, we also need to define that object method in our package:

sub feed {
    my ( $self, $food ) = @_;
    $self->{ 'stomach_contents' } = $food if defined $food;
    return $self->{ 'stomach_contents' };

The constructor then returns this blessed hashref, to be captured by our user’s script in $mr_tibbles. That is all there is to constructing an object.
If you want to see what $mr_tibbles actually looks like on the inside, you can investigate him using the arrow de-referencing operator, so:

$contents = $mr_tibbles->{ 'stomach_contents' };

will get you ‘nothing’, and …

use Data::Dumper;
Dumper( $mr_tibbles );

…will spray $mr_tibbles ‘s guts out all over the screen. However, such direct dissection of object is generally considered bad form (although it is useful when debugging). The only way to investigate $mr_tibbles should be via his object methods. feed() is just such a method. You call the method with a -> (which is the same as . for most other programming languages that support object-orientation):

$mr_tibbles->feed( "Mechanically recovered meat sludge" );

The -> here is being used not to dereference a reference, but to call a method on $mr_tibbles. This dual use for -> confused the life out of me at first, but if you’re careful to note the brackets, you’ll be OK:

$thing->{ key };
    # hashref dereference, note the {}
$thing->[ index ];
    # arrayref dereference, note the []
$thing->( args );
    #coderef dereference, note the ()
$thing->method( args );
    # method call on object $thing, optional arguments in ()

The object ($mr_tibbles) upon which you invoke a method is the first item put into @_. So for the method feed, the @_ is ( $mr_tibbles, "Mechanically recovered meat sludge" ). These are assigned to $self and $food respectively. Then, if the $food is defined, it’s put into $mr_tibbles ‘s stomach with $self->{ 'stomach_contents' } = $food;

If no food is passed:

$contents = $mr_tibbles->feed();

does nothing to $mr_tibbles: the stomach contents are unchanged. However, via return $self->{ 'stomach_contents' }; the method can both alter (mutate) $mr_tibbles‘s stomach contents and just report (access) what he ate last.

The ref operator will usually return what a reference refers to (ARRAY, SCALAR, HASH, etc.), as you know. However, if we call it on an object, it will return the class the object belongs to:

ref( $mr_tibbles );

This can be useful for debugging. We will now add some more object methods:

sub vomit {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $vomit = $self->feed(); # returns whatever he last ate
    $self->feed( 'nothing' );
    return $vomit;

This demonstrates that you can (and should) use methods even within the class. You could’ve written:

sub vomit {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $vomit = $self->{ 'stomach_contents' };
    $self->{ 'stomach_contents'} = 'empty';
    return $vomit;

and manipulated the cat’s innards directly, but using the first version protects you from your own changes to your own code: let your methods do everything for you and it will save you a lot of grief when you decide to rearrange the innards of the cat later.

Cat class

So here is our Cat class, which we should save to a file called somewhere in the @INC path.

package Cat;
use strict;
use warnings;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = { };
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

sub feed {
    my ( $self, $food ) = @_;
    $self->{ 'stomach_contents' } = $food if defined $food;
    return $self->{ 'stomach_contents' };

sub vomit {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $vomit = $self->feed();
    $self->feed( 'nothing' );
    return $vomit;



Let’s now implement a rudimentary Manx class that inherits from Cat, which we should save to a file called somewhere in the @INC path.

package Manx;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Cat';

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
        # This will be 'Manx' unless this constructor itself is inherited by a subclass!
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
        # This will call the constructor of the Cat class, generating a Manx object,
        # but only adding the attributes of the generic Cat, as that's all the parent
        # class knows how to do
    $self->tail_type( 'stumpy' );
    $self->_secret_name( time % 2 ? 'Odette' : 'Evelyn' );
        # Now we add the Manx-specific attributes
    return $self;

sub tail_type {
    my( $self, $tail_type ) = @_;
    $self->{ 'tail_type' } = $tail_type;

sub miaow {
    my( $self ) = @_;
    print "Miaow\n";

sub _secret_name {
    my( $self, $name ) = @_;
    $self->{ '_secret_name' } = $name if defined $name;
    return $self->{ '_secret_name' };


The @ISA array takes on a special importance in classes. @ISA contains places to look if you can’t find a function in the module itself. In object oriented programming, looking somewhere else is called inheritance. The:

package Manx;
use base( 'Cat' );

is a shorthand for:

package Manx;
    our @ISA = ( 'Cat' );
    require Cat;

So when you:

use Manx;
my $tabitha = Manx->new();

you’ll get a new Manx cat that can puke and vocalise. Even though there’s no method called vomit() in package Manx$tabitha can still vomit because this method is defined in the Cat class from which it inherits: a Manx IS A Cat, and if the relevant method can’t be found in Manx, the packages in @ISA will be searched to find the method instead.

You will note that this subclass defines its own new constructor, because it wants to set the tail_type attribute at the time the object is instantiated. The proper way to do this is to call the constructor of the Manx’s superclass using the SUPER:: pseudoclass:

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
        # This will be 'Manx' unless this constructor itself is inherited by a subclass!
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
        # This will call the constructor of the Cat class, generating a Manx object,
        # but only adding the attributes of the generic Cat, as that's all the parent
        # class knows how to do
    $self->tail_type( 'stumpy' );
    $self->_secret_name( time % 2 ? 'Odette' : 'Evelyn' );
        # Now we add the Manx-specific attributes
    return $self;

You may also be wondering why the underscore in _secret_name. The reason for the underscore is that _hashkeys and _methods look special to C++ programmers, since they indicate that the data or method are private to the class and should not be used outside of it (i.e. they are for internal use only, and do not comprise part of the class’s API). In Perl, it’s considered bad form for a script to mess with the insides of an object (like the $self->{ 'stomach_contents' }) directly. It’s not expressly forbidden, but it is considered unforgivably bad form to mess with a private $self->{ '_secret_name' } attribute.

As you can see, there is a great deal of boilerplate here, and much that you might get wrong by accident. Consequently, I would recommend that you use an object framework such as Moose to create objects by declaration, rather than hand-rolling them as you have see here. And that’s what will be…

Next up…Moose objects and roles.

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