Packages and writing modules

Modularisation is a virtue

The previous post showed you how to install and use other people’s modules; this post will address how to write your own.

At some point, you will probably find yourself copying-and-pasting code from one script to another. When you find yourself doing that, you should consider what would happen if it later turns out there is a bug in that pasted code. Ten copy-and-pastes down the line, you’re going to wish like hell you’d put that bit of code into a module, so you only needed to fix the bug in one place rather than ten.

  • If you ever use the same bit of code two or more times in a single script, you should probably put it in a subroutine.
  • If you ever find yourself using the same subroutine in more than one script, you should definitely put it into a module.

If you’ve not seen CPAN yet, now is a good time to do so. It’s always a good idea (if not essential!), to have a look on CPAN before you start any significant project, as the chances are, someone else will have been there before you, written the code, worried about it, debugged it, put fifteen bells and twelve whistles onto it, and released it for all and sundry to use.

Creating a module

There’re many things you can mess up if you’re writing a module from scratch, so the best way to do it, even for ‘personal’ modules you have no intention of unleashing on the world, is to use a module-building command-line utility. There are two types of these in common usage; the older is a utility called h2xs; the newer is exemplified by the module-starter utility that comes with Module::Starter.

Change to a directory you don’t mind creating a directory called MyModule in, and type:

h2xs -AXn MyModule

at the command prompt. The A and X switches create a vanilla module, not an XS C-extension (don’t ask). The n switch names your module. The equivalent for module-starter requires you to supply a little bit of extra information, which you’ll have to edit manually later if you use h2xs:

module-starter --module MyModule --author="Some One" --email=""

If all goes well, you will now have a directory called MyModule containing the files:

Makefile.PL  or  Build.PL

These files will be slightly different if you use module-starter but the same main items will be there:

  • Changes lists the changes since your previous release, i.e. none so far!
  • Makefile.PL is a script that uses the module ExtUtils::MakeMaker to create a makefile suitable for installing your module with the Unix utility make. It also details the modules and versions upon which your own module depends in the PREREQ_PM hashref. The use of ExtUtils::MakeMaker and make to install modules is on its way to deprecation: if you are planning on distributing the module, you may want to pass the additional --builder=Module::Build switch to module-starter to specifies the use of a more modern building system, such as Module::Build. This will generate a file called Build.PL (rather than Makefile.PL) in which prerequisites can be defined using the requires hashref.
  • MANIFEST is a list of the files in the distribution
  • README explains what the module does
  • t/MyModule.t is a script using the module Test::More to ensure the module works.

The most important part of the module distribution is (pm is ‘perl module’), which will contain a template something along the lines of:

package MyModule;

use 5.012001;
use strict;
use warnings;

require Exporter;
our @ISA         = qw(Exporter);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] );
our @EXPORT_OK   = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT      = qw( );

our $VERSION = '0.01';

# Preloaded methods go here.


=head1 NAME

MyModule - Perl extension for blah blah blah


use MyModule;
blah blah blah


Stub documentation for MyModule, created by h2xs.

=head2 EXPORT

None by default.

=head1 AUTHOR

A. U. Thor, E<lt>a.u.thor@a.galaxy.far.far.awayE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO

Mention other useful documentation...



Let’s take this a bit at a time:

package MyModule;

The first thing that should be at the top of any module is a package statement. A package is a name-space, which is a way of letting you use the same names for variables and subroutines in different parts of a program. For example:

package Foo;
$e = "hello";
print "In package Foo, \$e is $e\n";

package Bar;
$e = "goodbye";
print "But in package Bar, \$e is $e\n";
print "You can still see \$e in package Foo if you fully qualify it...\n";
print "\$Foo::e is still $Foo::e\n";
In package Foo, $e is hello
But in package Bar, $e is goodbye
But you can still see $e in package Foo if you fully qualify it...
$Foo::e is still hello

In the same way that a command shell will assume you mean the file.ext in the current working directory, perl assumes you mean the variable called $e in the current package. The reason you’ve not seen the word package at the top of every script so far is that perl automatically assumes you are working in package main; unless you tell it otherwise explicitly. Think of main as your home package. If you want to fiddle with things from other packages, you’ll need to fully qualify their names with :: double colons, which are similar to the / delimiter in the shell. Think of package like chdir, and :: as the / path delimiter. So the package variable:


in package Foo is called:


and the subroutine:


in package Foo::Parp is called:


if you have to fully qualify them. Note in the second case that you can have sub-packages (of a sort – there is no real hierarchy here) with more than one :: double colon. The reason we create modules in new packages is that if we wrote this:

# my module
$x = "blah";

# my script
$x = "bobble";

then when we used the module, our script would overwrite the module’s definition of $x, because they would share the same namespace. When you create modules, you create a new namespace where you can make and manipulate variables to your heart’s content without having to worry about trashing other people’s variables and subroutines of the same name in other packages. Note that lexical my variables don’t suffer from this problem, which is another reason to use strict.

That’s pretty largely all there is to packages. You can define several in one file, or spread one over several files, but the ‘natural’ size of one package is one file, i.e. if you create a file called, it should generally contain the package MyModule.


The next few lines specify the version of perl you’re using and turn on some sensible restrictions:

use 5.012001;
use strict;
use warnings;

use 5.012001; means ‘die if the version of perl you’re running is less than 5.012001′. This is particularly important if you’re using something new, like say or given/when, that old versions of perl don’t support. use strict; use warnings; is something you ought to have been doing for a while now. If you hadn’t realised, every time you’ve written use strict; or use ANYTHING; at the top of a script, you’ve been using other people’s modules. Modules written with lowercase names like strict are called pragmata or pragma modules: they generally affect how perl deals with your script itself, rather than giving you extra functionality.

Exporting functions


require Exporter;

Now we get into the slightly more complex stuff. Exporter is simply a module that helps exports symbols, particularly subroutines, from one package to another. require is very similar to use in that it loads in the contents of a module, so that you have access to its functions from your scripts.

A difference between require and use is that require doesn’t import any functions into your package. If you were writing a script (which by default would define itself in package main), and you wanted to use the function parse() from package MyModule, you have two ways of doing it. You can require MyModule; and then call the function with ‘fully qualified’ names (the :: double colon syntax):

# we're in package main if we don't say we're not
require MyModule;
my ( @parsed ) = MyModule::parse( @things_to_parse );

Alternatively, you can use MyModule; which (if suitably set up) will automatically export the function parse() from package MyModule into package main (or wherever you’re working), so you can use it more easily:

# use exports the functions from package MyModule to package main
use MyModule;
my ( @parsed ) = parse( @things_to_parse );

without any need to fully qualify the function name. When you require Exporter; you are asking perl to read in the Exporter module, but not to import any functions from it. As we don’t actually want to import functions from the Exporter module, we require, not use it.

The other thing about use its that it does its thing at compile-time, rather than at run-time: this means that when your script is compiled by perl, it will check to see if you have all the requisite modules before executing anything, and if you don’t have them all, it will die. require doesn’t do this compile-time checking.

use MyModule; is exactly equivalent to:

BEGIN { require MyModule; import( MyModule ) }

where BEGIN{} is a special block that is automatically called by perl when it starts: it makes things happen at the very beginning of compiling a script.

import() is just a subroutine in the file that tells perl which functions to import into the caller’s namespace (i.e. the package, probably main, that the script use-ing the module is working in).

Now it’s all very well saying perl will import functions from one package to another, but where does it ‘physically’ look for these packages in the first place? When you create a module, you need to save it somewhere it can be found:

print "$_\n" foreach @INC;

will list the places in your computer’s file-system that are searched for modules in. @INC is therefore rather like the PATH environmental variable but for modules. You’ll notice that ".", the current working directory (CWD), is one of the places on this list. So if you put in your CWD, it will be found and used when a script says use MyModule;. What about that Package::Subpackage business? If you create a directory called MyModule in the CWD (say D:/flapdoodle/), then create a file called, perl would look for the package MyModule::Subpackage in D:/flapdoodle/MyModule/

Writing a simple module, which contains some utility subroutines that are to be used by several scripts, is simple a matter of writing those subroutines , and then writing another subroutine called import that exports these functions from one package to another.

The latter is a simple matter of setting a typeglob in the caller’s symbol table to a reference to the subroutine you wish to export.

Erm, yeah. Almost no-one rolls their own import function. Almost everyone just borrows the one in Exporter, which is what:

our @ISA = qw( Exporter );

is for. @ISA (that’s @rray ‘is a’) is where you can put the names of modules that you want  perl to search in, to find functions you can’t be bothered to define. So, if you can’t be bothered to define import() yourself, you can tell  perl to look for this function in instead, hence:

our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
# MyModule IS A Exporter
# It inherits functions that I can't be bothered to define from Exporter

So now, when a script use-s MyModule, it will use the import() method from the Exporter module to furnish the script with whatever functions you chose to export from

Global variables

The final bit to understand here is the our which is – as you may have guessed – related to my. When you use strict; all variables have to be nailed down to a particular lexical scope with my, and will disappear from the symbol table, making them inaccessible from other scopes and packages. However, what happens if you do want someone to be able to see the value of a variable in your module? For example, in the module File::Find, the variable $dir contains the current directory being processed, which is a useful bit of information for scripts using the module. But if you make $dir a lexically scoped my variable, it will be invisible outside of the scope in which it is created. For modules, this means invisible outside of the module itself.

This is what our is for. our explicitly allows you to share global variables, which is exactly what strict doesn’t usually allow. our allows you to circumvent strict for variables you really do want to be accessible from anywhere using the $Package::variable or @MyModule::ISA notation. Since @ISA needs to be visible outside the scope in which it is defined (Exporter uses it), we must our it, not my it.

Defining an interface

That’s the worst bit over. The rest of it is just defining the interface:

our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] );
our @EXPORT_OK   = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT      = qw( );
our $VERSION     = '0.01';

$VERSION is obvious. Like use 5.012001; you can also use MyModule 0.02; This makes your script die if the version of MyModule you have is older than the version you want to use.

@EXPORT is the easiest way of exporting functions. If your module contained three functions sublime(), boil() and melt(), and you wanted to export all of them to the caller’s namespace:

our @EXPORT = qw( sublime boil melt );

would do just that. However, people usually prefer to selectively import functions, and the use of @EXPORT is discouraged unless your module is just one or two functions (like File::Find or File::Path). This is what @EXPORT_OK is for. If you wanted people to be able to import these three functions selectively, you could do this:

our @EXPORT_OK = qw( sublime boil melt );

Then users of your module could:

use MyModule "sublime", "boil";  # or
use MyModule qw( sublime boil ); # avoid all those quotes

if they had no interest in importing the melt() function and polluting their namespace.

Finally, %EXPORT_TAGS allows you to define groups of functions to export. Say you want people to be able to import your three functions as a lump without having to go to all the trouble of writing three whole things:

use MyModule qw( sublime boil melt );

you can create an export tag called all, which contains all three functions. %EXPORT_TAGS is just a hash of key/value pairs. The keys are the names of the tags you want to define, and the values are an arrayref of the functions you want to dump in the tag:

our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( sublime boil melt ) ]   ); # or
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ "sublime", "boil", "melt" ] );

With this defined, you can:

use MyModule qw( :all );

and Exporter will conveniently translate the tag :all into the list of three functions you have defined with the all key in the %EXPORT_TAGS hash. If you do define an :all tag, which is good practice, you can then use it in @EXPORT_OK:

our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

Finally, after all the package, exportation and global variables nonsense, we finally get onto the non-boilerplate stuff:

# Preloaded methods go here.

This bit is just a program. Go write it in the space # Preloaded methods go here. Mostly, you’ll only be defining subroutines here, since these are what you usually want to export. The 1; is needed because all modules have to return TRUE when they load: this ensures they do. The __END__ token is a signal to perl to stop parsing, since after this comes the documentation for the module, and this is of interest only to perldoc, not to perl itself.

Documentation with POD

Talking of which:

=head1 NAME

MyModule - Perl extension for blah blah blah


use MyModule;
blah blah blah


Stub documentation for MyModule, created by h2xs.

=head2 EXPORT

None by default.

=head1 AUTHOR

A. U. Thor, E<lt>a.u.thor@a.galaxy.far.far.awayE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO

Mention other useful documentation...


Perl documentation is written in POD (plain old documentation) format, which is a markup language like HTML, but simpler. perldoc can read and display the POD embedded in a module, which makes it the perfect tool for documenting your module so you don’t forget how it works, and so others can use it without getting up close and personal with the source code. Things starting = are processing directives. I think you can guess what head1 and head2 do. =cut is the signal for the end of the POD. Some other useful directives are:

=over 4



=over indents the text by some amount (here 4 spaces), and =back restores the indent to 0. You’ll notice that if you want a newline in your POD, you need a blank line: POD is otherwise newline-insensitive.

=item * function()

is used to create itemised lists, with a pretty * as a bullet point. Like HTML, POD uses angle brackets to mark up certain bits of text, but unlike HTML/XML (with its <open-tag> </close-tag> syntax), the thing you want to italicise, or whatever, goes inside the brackets:


will put text in italics. B<text> does bold, C<blah> does code, L<foobar> does links (L<perl> links to the perl manpages), and E<> does escapes like E<lt> and E<gt> for < and >. Documenting your code is essential if you want people to use it: don’t fall into the trap of assuming a) everyone’s stupid and you’re going to let them wallow in it or b) everyone will know how to use your code by osmosing it in. If you have a memory like mine, you won’t remember how to use your own scripts in six month’s time, so write the documentation now, so you don’t have to labouriously re-learn your own code later. The easiest way to learn POD documentation is to use perldoc to read some prettily formatted, then look at the module itself to see what it looks like in code.

So, here’s the inevitable hello world module. I think this should all be very obvious (srand seeds a random number generator, rand(NUMBER) generates a random number between 0 and NUMBER, and ||= is an assignment operator for ||, which is an idiom for ‘default’: A ||= B is the shorthand for A = A || B, which means ‘A equals B unless A already equals something other than 0 or undef‘):

package Hello;
use 5.012001;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT = qw( hello ); # no need for :tags, only one function!
our $VERSION = '0.01';
sub hello {
    my $name = shift;
    $name ||= "you";
    my $message = rand(1) > 0.5 ? "a waste of time" : "a lot of fun";
    return "Hello, $name, isn't this $message?\n";

=head1 NAME

Hello - Perl extension for printing a stupid message      

  use Hello;
  $msg = hello( "Steve" );
  print $msg;


Stub documentation for MyModule, created by h2xs. It looks like the author 
of the module took careful note of the importance of documentation, 
and here it is:


=item * hello( $arg )

=over 4

Randomly prints one of two stupid message for $arg, which should be a name,
but will default to 'you'.


=head1 AUTHOR

Steve Cook

=head1 SEE ALSO



Then all we need to do is save the module in the root of one of the directories in @INC (i.e. the CWD, or similar) and:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Hello;
hello( "Perl novice" );

Next up…classes and objects

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